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100 Years – Life Simulator cheats

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An exciting timekiller in which you are capable of helping a person succeed. 100 Years – Life Simulator allows you to make different choices in favor of one choice or the other. All you need to do is just tap on the option that you like best.

Then your character will follow the same line of events. And each such choice is able to lead to some outcome. Therefore, it is very important to choose wisely. Otherwise, everything has the opportunity to go awry. As a result, the individual has a chance to eventually become a homeless person, or his existence may end prematurely. Therefore, his fate really depends only on you. But also thanks to you, he can do very well. For example, there is also a possibility of having a spouse, a home, a good job, and more.

Environment Influences

It is significant to mention that the people around the individual also have an influence on what happens to him. You have the opportunity to find a match for the character. Therefore, if, for example, it is a kind person who wishes good, then everything is fine. But it also may happen that this is a mercantile individual. Then there is a possibility that the protagonist of this story will be disappointed in people. As a result, he is able to begin to focus on a career. Then he is up to becoming quite successful. But not the fact that he now trusts people.

In general, it is worth noting that in the game it is very important to make deliberate selections. Because even one that seems insignificant at first glance can have a strong influence on the future. Thus, it is possible for you to have a fascinating story, in which everything is up to be both good and disastrously bad.

It’s also indispensable to mention that the game is quite comedic. Therefore, some of the situations that you might come across are quite funny and hilarious. Accordingly, you are able to have a pretty good time. In the process, you are capable of learning a lot of interesting things. For example, how certain things happen with different humans. Therefore, check it out in 100 Years – Life Simulator!